I'm glad that my parents had chosen this school. From the first day (LKG) to last day at school (7th), As Rajasree mentioned, the teachers we had were just that level especially Manivanan sir, Suresh sir, Our PT sir, (sorry I couldn't mention all). Every single one of them, they not only taught us their respective subjects but the moral values, the ethics, the friendly guidance, these are priceless to me and helped me to get to the position where I am standing. Thank every one of them. Not only teachers, but the caretakers, van uncles when we talk about our school, you can't avoid them, they not only share a personal bond, but treat us as their own grandsons/granddaughters.
Last but not the least, at the time we were studying, we had ECA(Extra-Curricular Activities), I was at karate club for 4 years and that made a huge impact in my life and my lifestyle. From Correspondent mam to caretakers, from joining the school to leaving it, from my friends to schoolmates, every single one of them, every single day was a valuable memory. For a childhood school, for my sub-conscious memory, I couldn't ask for more. Thank you for this wonderful Opportunity to Express my Views.